The nitty-gritty of consciousness

What do I mean by the “rise in consciousness”? How might it be playing out on a daily basis for you?

In case it all sounds a bit alien to you, I thought I’d share some of the ways the energetic shifts might be manifesting in your life:

Feeling wired and tired. Especially around the time of big solar flares (which create the aurora borealis that we can suddenly see in southern England and other places far from the poles) — see

Lots of changes and last-minute cancellations either by you or the other party, in all areas of life. This is the new norm. We’re in much more fluid and changeable times.

Your animals behaving differently — eg cats being more reactive or more sleepy than usual, dogs more hostile or needy, depending on the moods of the people around them.

A yearning for more peace, more space, and wanting to avoid noisy or chaotic situations. Not feeling as robust as you used to when confronted by them.

Finding that your old favourite music or films or TV programmes don’t hold your attention any more and seem out of kilter with where you’re at, or even out-dated — so last century!

Ever-increasing detachment from the news headlines; seeing them just as weird and hysterical, focused on any and every negative event, big or small, cynically gathered as clickbait.

A desire instead for neutral, non-polarised descriptions of events, and for stories of humanity at its best, collaborating and innovating for the good of fellow beings and the planet, and for the greater good.

Losing interest in travelling for the sake of it. Conserving the climate and keeping your carbon footprint modest feels more important.

Increased interest in your health and wellbeing, becoming more open to complementary therapies and refining your diet to maintain health.

Feeling compelled to follow and listen to spiritual people for guidance and to help you stay steady. Having personal readings, such as a face reading, may also appeal when only a few years ago you hadn’t even heard of face reading. The messages from spiritual pioneers may resonate in ways your mind can’t begin to rationalise, and give you deep comfort.

Wanting to focus on what’s important to you. Some activities may no longer hold your attention or bring you joy in the way they used to. A shift in priorities and interests.

Finding bars, pubs and restaurants noisy and discordant. Seeking out quieter venues or even meeting out in nature, where you can have meaningful conversations instead.

A desire to be in the countryside more, rather than in the middle of a city or town. Feeling more secure and soothed in and by nature than in a busy urban environment.

A new interest in gardening or at least tending a few plants or growing a few of your own veg. Discovering real joy and feeling at peace when you do this!

Becoming more open to the possibility of having a soul or spirit that inhabits and animates your body. Having a soul purpose that’s much deeper than the outer life you’ve built up, and which gives you a different perspective on the meaning of life and what’s of real value to you.

Having dreams that feel symbolic, that are more outlandish or feature aliens and other realms, or leave you feeling more expansive. Pay attention to these messages, which you can decipher by writing them down — your own descriptive language will give you the clues to their meaning for you. (A tip for remembering your dreams is to keep your head still as you wake and don’t open your eyes until you have recalled as much detail of the dream as possible; then put the light on and write it all down or dictate it for yourself before you do anything else.)

No longer being able to tolerate friends who don’t listen to you or value you. You may be increasingly aware of how draining they are, and decide you’ll no longer expose yourself to their negative vibes. Just because you’ve known someone since you were a child doesn’t automatically mean the friendship still has value for you. Focusing on mutually supportive and positive relationships feels more important and increases your vitality instead of depleting and frustrating you.   

It’s a struggle to stay in unhealthy relationships, where the other person is cruel, dismissive or overbearing. Your spirit is feeling strengthened, poised to break out and take a risk to be free of their grip.

Less interest in material acquisition. Buying clothes or trinkets just doesn’t have the same appeal, doesn’t satisfy you in the way it once did — retail therapy has passed its sell-by date!

Finding yourself clearing out and giving away all sorts of possessions — clothes, books, ornaments, because you suddenly realise they mean nothing to you and are just clutter that’s gathering dust and — on some ineffable level — draining you with its presence. In particular, you may have a greater urge to throw away things from the past, especially ancestral items. Sentimental value may have less of a hold over you. If this isn’t happening to you yet, you might want to look around your rooms and see how all the objects and furniture make you feel. Is all that stuff making you feel hemmed in, weighed down? Clearer spaces in the home can really help calm a cluttered mind. (See Marie Kondo and Karen Kingston if you need guidance and inspiration here.)

Picking up on the vibes and undercurrents in a room or place in ways you never used to, or which you used to just ignore as a figment of your imagination.

Wanting to leave your job because the soullessness of just working to earn money to pay bills is becoming unbearable. The pull of a more expansive, free life is getting stronger.

A desire to take risks, either in leaving comfortable relationships or the safety of employment because it suddenly feels as though life is too precious to waste any time in a situation that’s not fulfilling.

Alongside this may come creative urges, surfacing from the depths of your being. Imagination is no longer a dirty word but a portal to new, healthier ways to experience life — and to the invisible realms that subtly guide our lives.

Increased sensitivity to nature. Having an affinity with the moon, or a robin in your garden, or a rose bush you walk past on the way to the station, when before you would barely notice them. They’re moments of simple yet profound connection and peace.

Realising that you really are communicating with your beloved pets, more than you ever thought possible — and that they have profound messages for you, if you listen to them!

Becoming more sensitive or averse to processed foods, salt, sugar, alcohol and/or coffee. Perhaps your palate is changing, or you find you can no longer stomach foods you’ve always happily eaten, such as red meat. This is partly instinctive as we become increasingly attuned to our body’s needs, but also a result of increasing awareness of and compassion towards the animals or working conditions of pickers and growers, as well as the devastating impact on the environment of pesticides and the like. The food chain is no longer an abstract concept. We are all connected, and each of us is responsible for raising our own consciousness, and we all need to change our behaviour to lessen our impact on Gaia. Gradually this knowledge, this understanding, becomes inescapable.   

With love


8th September 2024

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