September 2024 themes

This is what came through for this month, in case it’s useful for you.

Breakthroughs and/or breakdowns. Our deepest challenges crack us open. New levels of truth and awareness in whichever areas of our life need most honesty and attention.

Ah ha moments, epiphanies; details begin to flesh out intuitive insights and downloads, which makes it hard to remain sceptical and separate.

Telepathic communication strengthens, especially around sensing when loved ones or friends are struggling healthwise or internally, or perhaps with finding we understand our pets better. People who are committed to a deeper spiritual path may notice this more easily.

The co-existence of contrasts — night and day (Equinox month!), dark and light, war and peace — begins to feel more normal. Accepting both polarities creates and strengthens the neutral middle ground. Let it all play out, highs and lows, so-called “good and bad”. All is part of the evolutionary process. Mother Nature continues to reflect these polarities in the collective energy field with extreme weather conditions. Both sun and rain, heat and cold are needed: can we embrace both? The less we take sides or make judgments, the more at peace we are, which in turn affects our outer experience. What plays out reflects our inner state.

The wealth divide comes into sharp focus. The rich and super-rich may feel increasing pressure if the balance of personal needs and collective needs/philanthropy isn’t addressed. The poorest feel the opposite strain: the challenge is to find a healthy balance between self-responsibility and acceptance of help… all is the dance of give-and-take. Being among the privileged few may start to feel not so comfortable for those who are increasingly conscious. They may feel more exposed, less secure. Not just because of governmental changes but because selfish actions aren’t silently condoned in the ways they used to be. Cracks are appearing here too, amid the old hierarchical ways… Nature is the great leveller, reaching all with climate emergencies and natural disasters.

More miracles in nature are likely to be unearthed this month — new discoveries, new species, ways to harness energy without using up finite resources. There are possible breakthroughs and publicity with all these this month. And Inner Earth is giving up more of her long-buried secrets.

Hard work: back to focusing on detail after the lighter, spontaneous tones of summer. Renewed attention and focus on what needs to be done to turn things around for the good of all. Collaboration, “Earth summits”.

Gathering. After the harvest, the letting go. Sorting wheat from chaff. Clearing out. Expansion of space (eg Kondoing and meditation), contraction of material emphasis. Appreciation of value.

“Virgin territory.” New possibilities open up, especially connected to Mother Earth. The gems reveal themselves. Purity and refinement come in many different forms. Where are these appearing in your life?

War loses its footing on an inner level… the will of the individual to fight is weakening. It’s an imperceptible shift for most, but more visible for those who are alert, and will slowly start to manifest in more obvious ways over the next two years.

Be vigilant with your thoughts… they manifest into reality more quickly than ever now. Keep vibrations and intentions high and pure. Continue to stay out of sticky, low-frequency situations. You’ll know when your energy feels heavy and compromised, dragged down by negative outer influences or inner complaints and resentments.   

“Doing your best” goes up another grade. We all need to step up more now. For our sanity, ourselves and for the collective.

Love is quiet, unspoken, subtle this month. It’s shown in good, kind deeds and thoughtful gestures. The summer show, with all its hope and promise of sunshine, fun and holidays is over. Time to focus on what’s truly important again.

Let’s see how much of this unfolds!

With love


1st September 2024

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