How can traumas and blocks be shifted through face reading?
A client recently asked me how traumas, blocks and unhelpful beliefs can be shifted through face reading. A good question! I thought I’d share my answer here, and expand a little.
Markings on the ears show childhood traumas and struggles, from in utero until the age of 13. Lines and markings on the face indicate traumas and significant events throughout the rest of our lives: the deeper the markings, the more unresolved the trauma.
In a face reading with me, as we talk through the memories and experiences that come up, your eyes will tell me which emotions are still stuck in that event. I also get intuitive downloads as we talk, such as a link to ancestral grief through a grandmother’s line that needs to be identified in order to be released — there is a lot of collective karma/ancestral trauma coming to the surface these days, and we are no longer willing to carry the burdens of our ascendants, consciously or subconsciously!
As part of the one-hour face reading — or you can choose three half-hour readings, if you want to explore this process over a number of shorter sessions as you peel away the layers of the shadow self — we look at techniques for release. These might include specific affirmations or mantras, to transmute the subconscious beliefs and start rewiring our brains; or focused meditations, qi gong/nei gong techniques (part of the Taoist repertoire), and identifying which of nature’s elements will be most supportive in helping you release the different emotions (eg rivers or the sea are best for trapped fear; woods and trees for anger). And much more!
The interplay of light and shadow
There are always many layers, so it doesn’t all happen at once. In fact, I’ve come to understand that our deepest traumas really are the most fertile soil for our inner growth and spiritual evolution. Our life purpose often encompasses our greatest challenges. So identifying these traumas, and really accepting them as part of the fabric of ourselves can become a deeply transformative and empowering process. Face reading is a way of accessing our true selves, getting behind our public masks, letting go of all that is not truly us, the fears and doubts holding us back, to enable us to have greater clarity and energy and commitment to ourselves and our unique contribution to the planet.
The magic then, in my experience, is that the old unhelpful beliefs, troubles and held traumas just drop away over time as we increasingly put our focus on what we want to be and manifest.
Do email me if you have any questions.
With love
16th January 2023