Autumn: time to let go
I love Marie Kondo, the tidying Queen! Probably because I love the idea of creating order out of chaos, of releasing outdated aspects of myself so my life can flow more easily and have space for new openings. But also because I always used to find it hard to let go of things; my identity was wrapped up in my possessions, and I’d get overwhelmed by fears of loss and regret. These themes neatly tap into the spirit of autumn.
The autumn energies support and encourage cutting back, clearing and releasing, whether in the garden, Kondoing your home or moving on from an old job or relationship. If you’re not good at letting go of things, this season is the best time to try, for its energies will support you in the process. Through this process, I’ve discovered, we really do find renewed vigour and purpose.
As a face reader, I follow the seasons closely, for they are linked to the different elements, which correlate with our main organs and emotions. The more aligned we are with the energies of each season, the more our lives flow and our health stays balanced.
If you have defined cheekbones, high-set eyebrows, maybe an aquiline nose or a pale hue to your skin, you will probably be enjoying the cooler, crisper air and a desire to get back to routine and order, for these features indicate a predominantly Metal element character. As the trees lose their leaves, stripping back to their sculptural silhouettes to better withstand winds and snow, if we’re tuned into the season we feel the momentum to clear aspects of our lives that aren’t working, to redefine how we do things, to start new regimes and routines.
Autumn and the Metal element are linked to the organs of the lungs and large intestine/colon, which expel toxins from our bodies. We couldn’t function without their drive to keep us cleansed and balanced.
Honing our life path
Whereas the element of late summer (harvest time), Earth, was all about gathering and accumulating, autumn is the time to refine and clarify our needs and values.
When we look within, we can identify what we’ve been holding onto — mentally, emotionally, physically or materially. It’s an ideal time for a clear-out on any or all of these levels. And very satisfying and absorbing if it’s cold and wet outside.
If we refine, let go and clarify, we will strengthen our sense of purpose and more easily transition into the darker, colder months of winter and the Water element, when the seeds we sow by conserving our energy and going inwards will incubate ready for the following spring (Wood element)… But now I’m getting ahead of myself!
In a face reading I can help identify blocks and blindspots, areas where you may be struggling to move on or let go. I work a lot these days with guiding clients through releasing old beliefs and thought patterns that are holding them back, or where grief or regret are locking them into old versions of themselves, making them unable to see a way forward. It’s such a good time to release some of these old identities and free your true self, unveiling your deeper purpose!
Think of it as like a combination of a life-coaching session and psychic reading. It’s particularly good if you’re in transition with work or relationships, to help you bring out your potential, shine a light on blocks and blindspots, and identify your deeper purpose in life.
With love