April heralds growth and creativity

These are the themes I’m guided to share with you this April:

As we step out into the spring light, with warmer, brighter days, pause to greet the birds, insects and other creatures emerging, and the trees blossoming and bulbs flourishing. Give thanks to the sunshine for its caressing rays, and the rain for replenishing the earth.

Gather with friends and family and support them in whichever ways you can. Many of us are struggling in our different ways and it’s through community and sharing that we can find the strength to pull through the challenges. Judgment and competition have no place; these only find us isolated and lonely. Compassion — for ourselves and others — enables us to navigate these times more easily; it softens the blows and grounds the energies of the greater good that want to come through and assist us. How much can we open our hearts? How much can we each openly share our fears and worries, so that we realise and celebrate our common humanity? In the expression of emotional vulnerability, divisions and polarities melt away, and we find strength, connection and solidarity in our softness.

Manifesting ideas, creating gardens, artworks, cooking for others… accessing and channelling all the stored energy from winter’s seeds, which are now sprouting on every level. Officially mid-spring and we’re well into the Wood element now, which gives us drive and momentum, inspiration and determination, if we allow ourselves to be guided by spontaneity and natural impulses. 

It’s a time of cleansing too — spring cleaning, liver cleansing, tidying up one’s diet (less need for carbohydrates now that the long, cold nights have all but passed). Stepping out for longer walks, doing more exercise. The Wood element is linked to the liver and gall bladder, and these organs need movement and physical expression to free up qi stagnation, to release tight tendons and ligaments and free up our bodies after the more passive winter months. Lemon juice in hot water, and leafy greens, are excellent liver cleansers. Where toxins have built up through the winter months, now we get to purge and clear our systems, release more energy for our creative endeavours.

An evolutionary leap

This April is a time of new beginnings on a scale we humans have not witnessed in eons. A seismic shift has happened on Earth, and even if we don’t fully understand what this means, it will be hard to ignore the truth of it as the months of this year unfold. At the very least, now is the time to move on from stale jobs or dysfunctional relationships that sap your sense of self or leave you unfulfilled. In fact you might find it’s almost impossible to keep a lid on areas of your life that don’t feel right deep down. Our bodies and spirits are crying out for us to live authentically, not to compromise for the sake of apparent security, for there is no true security to be found in the old paradigm, which continues to crumble before our eyes. 

We’re going through an evolutionary leap, an upgrade and reboot in consciousness, that is forcing us humans to start to see the world very differently. It’ll be a much bumpier ride if we try to ignore all the signs of change and chaos and go about our same old habits, holding onto old beliefs about how life is supposed to be. These are the waves of energies and change that many have talked about for a while, which have intensified these past few years. In my face readings, I’m going ever deeper with clients, exploring what this means to them personally and how they can harness and work with these new higher frequencies.

New growth comes from the metaphorical (and literal) seeds planted last year, which have lain dormant over winter. Not all seeds will come to fruition. During this month we discover which ones are healthiest and strongest; which are in alignment with our highest purpose and good. We have a chance now to cultivate, to focus on tending, all that is natural and full of life force, within us and our relationships or in our work and gardens.  

Are there seeds of a deeper vocation needing a bit of extra nurturing, warmth and attention to help them take root and grow? These spring months are a precious time energetically for harnessing these energies before the summer solstice moves us into the next part of the cycle.

What would I like to grow and manifest this year that serves not just me but others, or the Earth? What can I focus on in this moment to co-create this idea, with the universe? If it’s high vibration, for the greater good, it has every chance of flourishing. May your dreams fly, with the help of your inner dragon*!

With love


*More on dragons another time!

2nd April 2023

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