The energies of 2024

When I tuned in with my internal guidance, these were the themes that emerged for the coming year. I’m sharing them in case they resonate for you too.

Come back to a quiet Yin state, over and over again, as active Yang energies continually pull your attention outwards. Especially significant because it’s such a Yang year (see my Year of the Yang Wood Dragon post). If you don’t want to burn out, you need to keep reminding yourself of the importance of just being, of rest, quiet, stillness, and listening to the whisper of your inner voice.

Reflection gives you insights and keeps you on course. Regularly tracking where you’ve been, what you’ve cultivated and in what areas you’ve grown, helps you stay focused on how you want to shape this coming year.

Creative and spiritual energies need to be given space and honoured more consciously, to flourish on more profound levels. If you slide back into complaining about what’s not right, or indulging and focusing on frustrations, you will end up manifesting more of these situations instead — this causal link becomes undeniable this year! New creative ideas or opportunities may flow in when you least expect them. Will you be aware and open enough to spot and embrace them?

Be the person you want to become. Consistent positive intention and attention begin to reap more direct rewards this year.

Let go of beliefs about yourself so you can expand beyond the limitations of your mind and old inherited or cultural influences — they’re dropping away now; we’re no longer held in the grip of tradition or societal mores; it’s easier to break free.

Be your more spiritual self in more situations. Bring your multidimensional self into your broader relationships, and see what happens! You’ll be surprised by how people respond. We’re in very different times now. The old rules have been shaken loose and we are all able to come out of our conventional, safe boxes more.

Be guided by intuition, serendipities and synchronicities. They can help open up your world. Messages and connections/reconnections may come out of the blue — pay attention to these!

Don’t be proscriptive: even these themes are only guidelines, possibilities, potentials. You’re all free to keep exploring and experimenting. That freedom will take you into realms that are broader than you can begin to imagine — you’ll see how far you’ve come in just six months.

Change is constant: be good at adapting and keep letting go of expectations or trying to control events. It’s going to be a fast-paced, fast-moving year. Which is why you need to stay loose with the idea of predictions too. Anything is possible. All timelines are up for exploration.

Hang loose, loosen your grip, on those around you. Each must find their own path. You can’t be swept away if you have your feet firmly on the ground and feel yourself anchored to the very core of the Earth. Gratitude for nature’s wonders helps here.

Use your imagination: it’s your portal to the other realms, dimensions, in an accessible and acceptable way to an overactive, dominant (and often sceptical) mind.

Tune in to your Heart courage for inner and outer navigation, to stay surfing on the swell and not be sucked into the waves of drama and chaos. Expressing joy, contentment and gratitude for all the little pleasures and comforts, and helping other beings wherever possible, keeps your frequency higher and clearer.

Any of the above can help us stay steady amid the extreme events and emotions continuing to play out on the planet. Hopefully some of the themes will resonate with you and enable you to increasingly trust in your own inner guidance.

With love


1st January 2024

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